22 Inches High x 11 Inches Wide x 11 Inches Deep
This piece is also available in cast bronze. To select and view pricing, click “Bronze Cast” in the patina selection dropdown. Casts will be patinated in a standard medium brown-bronze color. View other pieces in the Bronze Collection here. Turnaround time for a bronze cast is up to 3 months.
This life-sized head is from the statue of Giuliano de Medici (duke de Nemours) at his tomb in the Medici Chapel (Cappella Medicea). The statue sits in a niche across from a statue of Lorenzo de Medici (duke di Urbino). Not regarded as portraits, the figures of Giuliano and Lorenzo represent action and reflection, respectively.
Artist: Michelangelo
Museum/Location: Medici Chapel, New Sacristy, the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence
Origin: Medici Chapel, New Sacristy, the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence
Time Period: Renaissance, c. 1533
The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Medici Chapel." Encyclopædia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Medici-Chapel.
"Medici Chapels and Church of San Lorenzo." The Museums of Florence, http://www.museumsinflorence.com/musei/Medici_chapels.html.
"Tomb of the Medicis." Web Gallery of Art, https://www.wga.hu/frames-e.html?/html/m/michelan/1sculptu/medici/index.html.
22 Inches High x 11 Inches Wide x 11 Inches Deep
This piece is also available in cast bronze. To select and view pricing, click “Bronze Cast” in the patina selection dropdown. Casts will be patinated in a standard medium brown-bronze color. View other pieces in the Bronze Collection here. Turnaround time for a bronze cast is up to 3 months.
This life-sized head is from the statue of Giuliano de Medici (duke de Nemours) at his tomb in the Medici Chapel (Cappella Medicea). The statue sits in a niche across from a statue of Lorenzo de Medici (duke di Urbino). Not regarded as portraits, the figures of Giuliano and Lorenzo represent action and reflection,