It’s what’s above the couch that matters

Posted by Lisa Benson on

Do you remember the couch in your childhood home? I do. It was a rusty brown, had two cushions and tall arms. I’m sure my parents, the Giust Gallery owners, took time deciding which sofa to buy, but something else Robert and Kathy placed in the room stole my wonder, attention, and curiosity: art.
What was above the furniture—on the walls, on a table—was what mattered. I studied plaques such as the Assyrian Dying Lioness for hours.

Here’s me next to the Dying Lioness in our gallery! You can check out our full collection of Assyrian art HERE.

Giust Gallery | Dying Lioness

This lifelong exposure to art in the home molded my love of sculpture. Along with my family, I am committed to preserving the history and tradition of the Giust Gallery so that people of all ages may have the opportunity to experience art in their homes and schools—art that teaches about the past, art that showcases the craft of skilled masters, and art that inspires.
This is why, whenever we create a piece for you, we are committed to upholding the quality and practices that have always made the Caproni Collection unique, beautiful, and as accurate to the original as possible.
As Pietro Caproni said in 1911: "The quality of a reproduction is of the greatest importance. In an original work of merit there is a subtleness of treatment—a certain feeling which, if captured in reproduction, places the finished piece within the realm of art itself."
His words echo in our walls with every pour of the plaster and every application of patina, as we work to create your own personal masterpiece.
Lisa Benson


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